He broke up with his girlfriend (First love?) because his debute.
At the promote time he sang the song call "That I was once by your side"(내가 너의 곁에 잠시 살았다는걸) in his solo part of spacial stage.
Is something under this song hyunjoong ah....... Or you sang for someone huh? ^^
CREDIT Translate : delacroix.egloos.com
지운줄 알았어 너의 기억들을
Thought I erased your memories
친구들 함께 모여 술에 취한 밤
Drunk nights with friends
네 생각에 난 힘들곤 해
Thoughts of you give me hard times
그런채 살았어 늘 혼자 였잖아
I lived like that, I was always alone
한때는 널 구원이라 믿었었어
I once thought you were the salvation
멀어지기 전엔...
Until we became apart
그것만 기억해 줄 수 있겠니
Could you remember this
내가 너의 곁에 잠시 살았다는 걸
That I was once by your side
가끔 널 거리에서 볼까봐
In case I meet you on the street
초라한 날 거울에 비춰 단장하곤 해
I view my shabby self on the mirror and dress up
아프진 않니? 많이 걱정돼
Are you healthy? I'm worried
행복하겠지만 너를 위해 기도할께
I'm sure you're happy but I'll pray for you
기억해 다른 사람 만나도
Remember, even if you're with someone else
내가 너의 곁에 잠시 살았다는 걸
That I was once by your side
웃을수 있었어 널 보고 있을땐
I could smile, when I was looking at you
조그만 안식처가 되어 주었지
You were a little sanctuary for me
멀어지기 전엔...
Until we became apart
And untill now he still phone her when he has headache or feel uncomfortable.He said "like a friend".
I really like this kind of love. Friendship and love is really interesting. Friend always knows who you are. what kind of your heart and your personality as you know each other too.That good thing I like.
I found this perf. when I prepare to make fanmade vid for special event and need the good song for it. He always choose the song for perf. by himself then I start google.And found his perf. After read the translate. I really think he sang for someone more than special state perf. I think this song and this stage for her.
Wowwwww you have the romantic side and heart ache too. I always think you just blunt and careless.^^
All of this is my opinion.^^