I just found it. After the leader big news.
I love when baby said it.and cried.
I don't think the remore is 100% true.
But I just love their love toward each other.
“HyungJun to KyuJong: Listening to the Kind Kyujong’s words, my heart ached. We didn’t came here to talk about the end of the 5 years right? Today, I want to tell all you of here, we might have solo activities, but didn’t we just release an album? We will continue to work hard. Love Ya has received tremendous response, hasn’t it? SS501 will be here. Hope everyone will stay with us too. Kyujong has a lot of tears. Everyone might think I’m the cry baby, but actually, Kyujong thinks alot. He will think about it at home, and even cries. SEEING HIM CRY, MY HEART ACHES. So…(crying) Kyujong is a friend that I’m very thankful to. He treats me like a brother. I hope everything will go well for us.and…(crys even harder) I am really very sorry for today. Sorry that the tears keeps falling. Sorry for always crying. I really love our members so…really…Kyujong..and my same-age member Jungmin, Kyujong, Youngsaeng hyung, HyunJoong Hyung. Thank you. Today’s tears….be it 5 years, 10 years or till the day we die, it will become our best memories. We will work even harder. DO TAKE CARE OF OUR KYUJONG I WILL HAVE A LOT OF HARDSHIP IF NOT FOR HIM, A VERY GOOD FRIEND, LIKE A BROTHER, handsome Kyujong. Everyone, please take care of him…us too. EVERYONE, PLEASE TREASURE HIM. Thank you.”
วันพุธที่ 30 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553
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