someting about him.
He is the 24 years old leader of Idol group.
His birthday is 06-06-86. (Can you see something special? I still think he got a gift from him. His enchant charmingly.)
He is very good with Math but bad with English.
His Japanese is better than his English.
He hate a perfume but he still use sometime.
He hate coffee and don't want to drink nomatter what. If he can chose he'll chose energy drink first.
He can play bass well but can play Guitar very well.
The 1st movie that make him cried out is Titanic. - -"
He is a heavy drinker.
He is myopia. He started wear a glass at junior high school. Now he still wear contact lens.
He really like Lee Hyori. She is his Ideal type.
He google alot and always surf at Daum.
Credit on pic