Now I can understand something

For shinhwa they are like my family.
My big brother who I support and love nomatter what they do.
It had been many years for me to support them.
I know them a half of their way being a singer.
And buy them many album for help their rank.^^
If you ask me "They are so great?"
I'll tell you No. they are not great some of them not good at sing a song.
Some of them always had scandal. But I still support them.
Even they are not as popular as their hubae I still love them happy to see them.
Like my brother nomatter they are
they still like my part of family who I'll support until the end.

For SSboys.
I know them in their 2nd years before hyunjoong went on WGM.
I don't like them at first because of Snow prince.
How can the called themseves as a snow prince.
and Hyunjoong face like a girl but when I watch M.pick ,Deja vu, and WGM.
I started to think no he is not just Idol.
He use to look cool and cold heart.
But he really love and protact his brother on his way.
and hyunjoong make me knew youngsaeng. My always.
and hyunjoong make me knew youngsaeng. My always.
Youngsaeng always let hyunjoong do the way hyunjoong want
and have a great support to Hyunjoong.
At first I think Youngsaeng can beat hyunjong's position with voice.
they have the same age.
But youngsaeng let hyunjoong lead everything (HK trip too!)
even hyunjoong not good at talk at first youngsaeng never once stop hyunjoong .
Be happy in his lead vocal position in the group.
I think youngsaeng is always happy everyday.
I love to see that on him.
Even I always eyes on the other Idol.
SSboys like my boyfriend who I prond.
Even they are not good sometime I still in love with them.
Because I think they are the best.
And for SJ hehe.
their like the good looking boyfriend of the other girls.
When you see the other girls's boyfriend .
You look at them with adoreable.
Keep chating with your friend about the good looking guy who just walk part with the girl.
But when your boyfriend comeback
you stop thinking about them and smile to you boyfriend again.
And sometime you keep chatting about the other girls's boyfriend again.
Even the boys is so handsome but SJ is belong to Elfs. Their boyfriend
and........ i'm not elfs. ^^
The important thing My boyfriend comeback! ^^
