วันพุธที่ 21 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554
still evil maknae
EH: I asked Kyuhyun about ‘How I can control myself from being nervous’ before the opening day.
But he laughed at me and said ‘How come you gonna be on a musical stage?’ at first.
My fav maknae bully my inspiration again?????
•So he didn’t told you anything?
EH: I asked him again. so he advised me about the 5 most important things for being on a stage.
If there’s a character, you have to keep on your mind about
‘Where he came from?’
‘Why he came here for?’
‘What he came here for?’
‘Where he heading to after this?’
and ‘Why he is heading there?’
And I think those advise helped me a lot.
Still......He not just bully he also help at the end
Kyuhyun ah......Don't bully people so much it's not good for your image hehehe
วันพุธที่ 14 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554
You made me surprise again
you start the new way with as a lead role in MV
you always did inspiration me with your no fear and let try new thing way.
Ireally love to see you with another project of yours
one thing I really don't like in this coming soon MV is your cry.
I don't wonna see that ^^
I feel like you are so pure and always had a cheerful smile so when you get hurt
it's look wrost than it happen.
Anyway your are really good hyukjae ah really good acting
the reporter told you act well I agree.
And you even got a Ok. sign in one take whoaaaaaaaaaa..........
Good start again ^^ my inspiration.
I even love your co-worker already because of she work with you
and try to do a good job along with you. She have a beautiful smile too.
I see you look around when you talk about her kekeke.
She already caught your eyes right?
I love this MV.
I love you two. ^^
Lee Hyuk Jae fighting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
วันจันทร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554
วันเสาร์ที่ 1 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554
It's scared me!!!!
I always said with my friends I wanna see Eunhyuk on this program.
I wanna see him when he in a reationship.
But when I saw this news I got scared because I don't know who is the girl.
Actually I still don't know who will appear on this program.
The news report Teukie will appear with the actress.
But I don't think so because he just started with Hello baby and Hello baby aired just 5EP now.
Is that person can be Donghae?
the reason is.....
in Come to play
when Donghae want to ignore if he is the one who sent Sunye a text on the show
He just look other way. Pretend to be a poker face.
and on the preview he did a poker face again.
the other thing is when Shindong want them to point to the candidate mamber
Kyuhyun look at donghae !!!
This kid always sincere with eveything
even his hyung just want to joke he wil still sincere.
and Donghae didn't get much schedule compare to the other,
If WGM was film with Donghae on it. I' m fine ^^

Maybe I got scared because they are my most fav member of SuJu
I think
I should be support all those 3 guys who will made a happy and funny time for the viewer
But seriously I scare.
วันจันทร์ที่ 26 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554
Soyu Of Sistar

Leeteuk said that Soyu SISTAR is listening radio now, she sent (me) a message that saying ‘Eunhyuk oppa voice is so cool~’ Hyuk said ‘Soyu’ ; Leeteuk ‘Yeah, Soyu Sistar’ and Hyuk replied .. ‘Soyu-shi thank you (for already said my voice good xD) I will come to ur waiting room ans will just singing for you’ OTL TUT
Credit to sup3rjunior.com
I admitted Hyukjae's voice is a bit deep and had a soft tone.
Hyukjae repley he will sing to her.
Anyway Hyukjae goy the girl group to be his fan girl again.
Whaoooo. We can't look down on this guy. ^^
and the other thing I found from sup3rjunior.com is
the sweet innocent guys acting cute togerther
Just like the other day of Hyukjae and Kyuhyun
Hyukjae on Teukie's and Kyu take over hyukjae's
and they started exciting on something
End with they giggle while Kyu cover his eyes .....
That way......
Kyuhyun ah you already cover your face but why I still can see your playful eyes?
Is you really want to cover it?
My fav maknae being naughty boy as always .
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554
Step it up
and finally they was on the stage!!!!!
On the first week of comeback. They get the trophy already. Whaooooooo.
KARA Jang!!!!!!!!!!!!
The SS501's little girls now are already the lady and very beauty.
I didn't read their thanks to yet. I really want to know who the really feel thanks.
May SS501 oppa in it? Or Should be SuJu oppa in it?
Anyway on the second stage jiyoung thanks our handsome Shindong oppa! on stage ^^
Hey I really love Leeteuk+Jiyoung and Eunhyuk+Gyuri from sukira. The other boys of SuJu must be jealous. Could Youngsaeng feel jealous too? He is the brother who need the kara' s love too.
Haha. Really want to see the boys act after heard that.
Once I read Kara career path is really like Shinhwa. When they started thay had girls group upper than her like Wonder girls and SNSD but Kara still work hard with full smile and friendly. Now They are one of the best girl group. I watch them with 5 member from started. When Nicole is just a rapper who can't dance well. When Jiyoung still playful around noise lika a little kids. When Seungyoung still MCing the cable music program. When Gyuri still be a sweet girl not the leader who had a leadership like this. and When Hara did anything to get attention. Now all the girls just stand still I surely they still get spotlight. Thay still cheerful and friendly that what I love the most.
Like thanks Shindong on the stage without careing anything. I sure if they had confident and had to arrange who would said. The other name of the boy band will out. I really love this side of Kara. "Their didn't care side and do what they want"
Step it up girls. You are great. Show them how great you are!!!!!
And for the winner from start.
วันเสาร์ที่ 27 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

I’m here! I hope you can appear right away. I hope I can recognize you at once without any doubt. Don’t feel sorry if I can’t recognize you straightaway. While I can tell right away whether or not you’re from our country, it’ll be funny because I’ll have to find out whether or not you’re mine (meaning: whether or not you’re the one I’m looking for). I hope I can find out everything just from the way you talk, just from your expression.
Credits: @miclarge1 + Absolut Shinhwa
When I saw this The first thing which come on my mind is
"Is he really has a hard time now?"
"Is he really feel lonely?"
Unusually for him to said something like this.....
He is the romantic one but it isn't normal for being romantic.
After a hard time I think he want someone he can call his home.
But when he can't found someone like this............ your fans started to worried about his lonelyness.
วันพุธที่ 24 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554
falling for him after 6 years

People said the first love is someone you can't diny even you tried. The first love will follow you until you die.
it's must be true. I fall hard for Eric of Shinhwa 6 years ago because of "phenix" the korea guy but american look who dance for his girl in front of the car. I eyes on him again in Coca-Cola CF he was on with all Shinhwa guys. After that Shinhwa is my First love.

6 years later.After I run around. I found my first love again. He still attract me as ever. I watch all his drama and movie even his short drama. I know he good at acting and very good at action drama. Maybe because he can dance well so he can balance his body and know where the camera should be.
In shinhwa he is the leader who still don't have his solo album.(it's 13 years now oppa. Plz do something with your solo album. ^^)But I can say as the actor he not just had a best face and be a star. He can do better than every thing. If you don't believe? Go google Banjun drama of eric. The many who less cried or show much emotion on Shinhwa stage can cried his heart out when it come to drama.
Oppa comeback again with myung wol. I think Que sera sera and spy myung wol is in the same level. But in Que sera sera he didn't do funny thing but in spy myung wol he did alot. When it come to melo-drama he still can show his emotion eyes too.
Even it isn't great comeback for him but I can tell he is the good actor one.
I wrote all of this because I saw someone give a cute comment on him said.
"Mr. Mun I dont want to be your fan please stop looking so good and being so charismatic!!"
Cute...... I happy when I saw this.
That made me remember the first time I saw him and his acting.
Yeah..... He isn't the greatest but he is the great one.

วันอังคารที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554
my thought for myung wol
Tired from the news~~~~~~~~~~
I started acknowledge Kpop because on Shinhwa.
I knew them from 2006. now 2011 nearly 6 years.
Not much if compare with the real changjo who witness their hard time.
But I can tell I'm their fan too
Once a fan always a fan...
They said
then I think I still a fan
I knew hyunjoong because of Andy and hwangbo from WGM.
I love youngsaeng because of Leader and lead vocal line.
I knew Hyukjae Kyuhyun Donghae because of I knew shinhwa was from SM too.
Then I still support Shinhwa in every ways I can.
With the news of Han ye seul didn't show up at the drama set made me stress out.
Because the drama was so much fun.
Eric oppa return with best skill of acting
and the female lead is Han ye seul.
She is the A list actress.
I wish a great started for Eric.
When I read an article about conflict of this drama I'm so sorry for Eric.
When I saw the news Han ye seul refuse to shoot.i think I know where the problum started.
As a literature teacher I Think it's not because of the worrier beak dong soo or the other story made this drama got low rating and also not because of the lack acting of the actors. It's the plot of this drama. With Korea Culture and personal style. They basicly don't like North Korea but the drama started with the girl from north korea who get a hallyu star's heart. A hallyu mean the super star who invite the nation to knew korea. They are the simbol of korea.that meaning they fall for/lose for the nation enemy.If It's was me I will not interest what kind of this too. I mean the actor of my country falling for the girl from real enemy in my country history. I just let they love and ignore them.Like korea ignore myung wol.
If you asked why the other story like this can serviver. This because those story happen before the marine crisis and other border crisis.Cian and able also can't serviver well too because they had someting in their heart with their enemy. the other thing is the plot need to show how human can love freely no matter what. I thought they nearly to go to that point. I viewer started to love the caracter and feel sorry to their love. If the actor and the actress goes by the plot. With their skill, in the end they will get the prises from the viewer for sure. Everyone has love and they will feel sorry for the people to ache from love. Shiri also follow this plot too.
With Eric and Han ye seul acting skill. I think they can do it. Not grain rateing but to show how good acting they have. Unfortunatunaly Hun ye seul give up too fast. I can understand her about a tight schedule she need to rest but this drama name "Spy Myung wol" She is the most important.
Now i think of Lee Hyori from Family outing who lack sleep when filming outdoor.
Park shin hye from you are falling for me.who come back from hospital after car accident for shooting.
Kim hyun joong who faint 4 time while filming Boys over the flower.
Is Shin min ah... or Yoon eun hye... or Lee da hae...will be like this.
I never heard something like this before.
As a viewer this drama is good for the foreign view because they full of korean drama style and it's fun.
As a literature and culture teacher. The war problem is big and effect rating.
As the human the actors and actresses much be tired from hard work
As Eric oppa's fan......What the hell with you.....Han ye seul!!!!!!!!!
Edit : I just watch EP.11 uhmmmm. I dialog for actors who talk with Ye seul is a bit too much. I feel like they blame on ye seul a bit too much. Maybe this is the reason ye seul left? But you shouldn't left easily. It's Duty.
วันจันทร์ที่ 15 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554
Oppa fighting
it's not good when you said something with emotion.
You will loss control your mind but I want to do it now.........
It's because of Spy myung wol incident.
Eric mun of Shinhwa come back with this Drama after 3 years and more than that as an acter.
With Han ye seul. The girl who play as a support actress with Jun Jin (and also have a gossip)once
At first I really happy..... She is the great actress Han Ye Seul.
She is the one who play with JunJin as a girl who have one side love with Junjin.
The girl Junjin stole the kiss on set.
For Eric this is the beautiful start. We wish for his great come back.
......I asked too much????????........
When I heard the news Ye seul reject to film the drama.
I don't think it will come out like this.
When I heard she went to L.A.
I started to bleam her for being trouble.
From the first I think it's graet if Eric oppa date her.
But now I happy if it won't happen.
As a leader Eric oppa is the great he never once leaved his member behide.
As the singer he not that great but he can keep your eyes on him, follow his move on the stage.
As an acter he is the great choice with an acting skill the actor should have.
oppa who less cry on his stage and shinhwa concert
can easily cried on set of the drama.
I saw he cried a big tear 4 from 5 dramas of him
and didn't count on Banjun dramas.
For spy myung wol. He wasn't happy with the hard and long shooting.
But he still go to work.Because he already sign the contract.
The other way The lead actress who fight with the PD. stop shooting and disappear.
She should finish it and show her professional skill of "A" list actress.
Poor my oppa.
How can I help you. please told me.
วันศุกร์ที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554
spy myung wol
Spy Myung wol........
I addict this series nowaday.
I'm really go down deeeeeep.
Han Ye Seul so cute as always. I didn't watch will it snow in chismas but couple of fantasy is great.
Eric oppa so great too. Beautiful comeback even it's just my thought.
I can't remember how great when Eric did crying scene. He good with acting.
Shinhwa is the first boyband I knew.
He still the leader of Shinhwa. the leader who told the member to be together and leaved SM town.The leader who even give down his income rate so he can appeared with his member on varity show. He is the special one.
He not so good at acting that much but if you keep your eyes on this group. You will knew Eric is hardly cry. 6 years untill now I saw him cried 2nd time. But when he acting he can cry a big drop of tear.
In Myung wol again. He play as a big star who always yell at Ye seul but also take care ye seul too. He love Ye seul even he don't know who Ys seul is for real and control himself not to love her.So sweet. Ye seul look close to him too. that cute seeing the star i like acting together.
วันพุธที่ 27 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554
What is this? I smell something!!!!!!!!!
They said "s" the girl are in relationship with her labelmate for many years.
But she just broke up with him not too long ago
and started to date with the singer "K" who was born in the same year as her.
the news said she is in the top girl grop but she isn't the best in her group.
She have a pure and innocent look.She look younger than her age too.
She may didn't popular but many guy go after her.
For me this is Seungyeon. Not other than Seungyeon.
The top girl group now that I know is SNSD , KARA , Wonder girls , 2ne1.
They are the top girl group now.
The girl who has a pure look/innocent from SNSD is Seo Joohyun. (my magnae couple)
The girl who has a pure look/innocent from kara is Han Seungyeon.
The girl who has a pure look/innocent from wonder girls is Sunmi.
The girl who has a pure look/innocent from 2ne1 is Sandara park.
But the girl isn't popular the most in her group. So I can cut Dara out.She is the most popular. I also can cut Sunmi out to because most few year sunmi was in US.and just come back last year.
If we start with the girl who is the same age with "k" (Exp. it's kyuhyun.) It's just Kyuhyun and Seungyeon who are the same age. because Seohyun is 1 year younger than kyuhyun.If in case of Sunmi it's obviously not match. Sunmi is younger.The Idol who the first name is K isn't that much.Then kyu and seungyeon are the most candidate.
and to day I just read about hyunjoong in relationship for 3 years. the thing was got my attention is his interview "I make sure to sing a special song for her when we go for company get-togethers at a karaoke. …But it’s always at the end of the day, so she’s asleep.” she must be his labelmate. DSP's staff always did this. Hang out together with the stars. Seungyeon was a trianee for many years before debute and She look close with Youngsaengie. Hyunjoong bandmate and closefriend.When hyunjoong started film boy over the flower kara also stop by the set for cheer up hyunjoong too.It can be?
If Hyunjoong was date Seungyeon for 3 years?
And just broke up 5 month ago?
And Seungyeon is date kyuhyun now?
Han seungyeon you are so cool.
I Envy you.
วันเสาร์ที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554
hoe did we get
I really want to type about Kyuhyun and the rumor but I really don't have time.
But I fall for this song and I want to save it at my place then I'm back here. Reading things I was wrote.
Ahhhhhh... It's just a few month but I feel like a long time.
How did we get is beautiful.
Verse 1
I’ve gone through so many shallow relationships
I thought you’d brush past like that too
But as time went by, I realised you were a little different
There was no pretense, you showed me your whole heart
I don’t wanna see you cry
When I look at you I remember my forgotten happy dreams, the young me
You always give me a smile
To tomorrow, which will be even more amazing than yesterday
Tell me how did we get, the dream-like memories
How did we get, the painful tears too
How did we get (we get), this far
How did we get (How did we get)
It’s because we’ve walked here together
Now (now), I (I)
Won’t let go of your hand
Verse 2
The one person who lit up my life
While always shining like a dazzling star
You wouldn’t believe how earnestly
I’ve been wanting to find you
But I don’t wanna let you down
I was a coward, but since seeing you I’ve been growing more and more
You always give me a dream
Only for you, who’s become my future
Tell me how did we get, the dream-like memories
How did we get, and the painful tears too
How did we get (we get), this far
How did we get (How did we get)
It’s because we’ve walked here together
Now (now), I (I)
Won’t let go of your hand
Tell me how did we get, all the time we’ve spent together
How did we get, no matter what kind of wound
How did we get (we get), until the very end
How did we get (How did we get)
So we’ll walk together
You and me (You and me) The two of us (The two of us)
We’ll walk together from now
credit : http://yuyaindou.blogspot.com
วันพุธที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554
Hyunjoong ah sa rang hae
Hyunjoongie look at youngsaengie who sing on stage. ^^
Sweet leader.
Still in love and hate mode for leader.
วันศุกร์ที่ 13 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554
วันจันทร์ที่ 9 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554
วันเสาร์ที่ 7 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554
วันศุกร์ที่ 6 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554
Hyunjoong ah
Then Triple S isn't you fans anymore?
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 5 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554
precious moment
precious moment
It's always hurt to see
When it come to friendship thing
How can people forgot about the moment together with their close friend.
There no way to forget even they try.
And the hardest is they pretend to be fine not to mention and smile like noting
Feel sad but Jaejoong still honest
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 28 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554
Seobaby and Evil maknae
Even Seo joohyun was fall for the leader yonghwa already
The magnae couple is my faverite

waiting for a great Duet at SM town in paris and SM town in japan
I just wanna test my skill don't take it serious
Photoshop by me
I saw something

วันพุธที่ 27 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554
To My Shy Prince
since his fanmeeting in fab till now
be told he was on process the dance song
last week I saw is news about inject I feel bad because I wanna see him so much
I think it's must took 2 month to see him again for sure
Who seem like never in hurry once.
But when i saw this pics/news I happy and sad in the same time
I still can watch him in a short time. On TV not on picture.
Proud of him. He still want to work and wark hard for his solo debute.
but sad because his inject. I wish to saw him fully smile.
Yeongsaeng ah.
I want to see you perf. with great body on stage more.
Fighting ^^
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

วันเสาร์ที่ 2 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

วันศุกร์ที่ 1 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

I always thinks this guy must have a kind heart
Because he always cried easily. He always cried when the member fight each other. Cried in his concert. Creid when he heard the sad or impress story. But I didn't look after him much.I always look for the other member that give me a motive to reach over myself.
I think the Idol didn't care much about the ordinary people because they less meet them but when I read his think about other people I surprise he actually think like he is the ordinaly one. So kind and positive. In next 10 year he must be a big star for sure because his heart would make the success for him. Who wouldn't love someone kind like this This is what he think........
"Though everyone lives each one’s life, hope we get easy, and look around ourselves to give a hand to others, and that will be a huge help. Do not just pass someone because you don’t know him or her, but say hi with a smile. If someone doesn’t say hi to you, you go to the one first and say hi with a smile; I’m sure the one will like you and you can make a new friend."
it's from Donghae Cyworld
I found it on april fool day
hope it isn't a fool.
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554
When sukira don't have eunhyuk
I found this fan made last night
and I cried after hear his voice
I must be crazy this time
I still hear your voice
I still miss your hands
Today again I live within your traces
I still see you
I still feel your warmth
Today again I live within the time spent with you
In some stranger who passes by
In leaves that fall and dance in the wind
In the evening wind that touches my cheek
You are in everything I see, hear and feel
How about you? How about you?
Do you feel the same way? How about you?
I stil feel you
Like this, even at the moment when I'm singing this song
I see you
Tomorrow again I will see you
Tomorow again I will hear you
Tomorrow again everything will be the same
In some stranger who passes by
In leaves that fall and dance in the wind
In the evening wind that touches my cheek
You are in everything I see, hear and feel
How about you? How about you?
Do you feel the same way? How about you?
On that empty chair left by the road
Inside the glass of water that I unconsciously picked up
In the mirrow when I look to see myself
In the music that gently that falls and lands in my ears, you are there
What should I do? What should I do?
You must have erased me, what should I do? We...
Longing for you I open window and welcome memories about you
Again and again my eyes become red because of tears
Longing for you I open the door and welcome memories about you
That keeps on breaking my heart
Longing for you I open window and welcome memories about you
Again and again my eyes become red because of tears
Longing for you I open the door and welcome memories about you
That keeps on breaking my heart
วันศุกร์ที่ 21 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554
JYJ Fighting

I happy that Hyunjoong still have a change to contact his member when he want to
วันศุกร์ที่ 14 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554
confession of the cool guy

This guy really take a great step to close to our JooHyun heart.
His Lyrics really like a confession of him and it's really great
Even I really like kyuhyun but Jong yong Hwa is the best.
How can the Guy sweet like this
I lost for YongSeo again
My KyuSeo isn't work out after listen to this song
Is Kyuhyun can be just JooHyun Twin ? Aishhhhh
Jung Yong Hwa
You are so cool
The day when I first saw you
Your bright smile full of shyness
we'll get closer after today
every day, I have heart-fluttering expectations
what to say to you
how to get you to laugh
I fear it'll get awkward when I try to hold your hand
all I can do is smile shyly
Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other
even though it's still awkward and unfamiliar
instead of saying 'thank you'
talk to me in a friendlier way
Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other
you walk towards me slowly, step by step
now look at my two eyes and tell me
I love you
The day when I held your hand
I felt my heart stop beating
I don't even remember what I said
All I feel is a flutter in my stomach
Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other
even though it's still awkward and unfamiliar
instead of saying 'thank you'
talk to me in a friendlier way
Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other
you walk towards me slowly, step by step
now look at my two eyes and tell me
I love you
Hopefully we can fall in love with each other
I'll never let go of your two hands from my grasp
the light of your eyes, gazing at me
I hope there will only be joyful smiles
Hopefully we can fall in love with each other
We can lean on one another and take care of each other
Looking into your eyes, my two eyes
they're talking to you
I love you
I love this pic
I want my boyfriend do this to me to

วันศุกร์ที่ 7 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554