I think I must be an elf. for sure
Because I always look after this guys
All of them I like the maknae the most but I still keep looking for this guy
Sometime when I question about
Where is the limit of human
I always thinks of this guy
compare with an Idol
he is just the average one.
His face can't fight Siwon or his bestfriend Donghae
His voice can't fight Kyuhyun Yesung Ryeowook
His Dance........ yes out of SuJu guys he is the best
But He didn't born to be the best. I think.
I think he really love to dance. practice hard and never stop until now
then I can say he is in to 10 of danceing idols in this generation
That why when I think about the limit of human I always thinks of him
Seem like he has no limit to try
When I think 'oh this is the best of him.' He always show us the greater thing ever
I think he just witty and great dance but when I saw him sing
I got serprise and think if he love to challenge himself?
How can people tried so hard like this?
Reach his limit again and again
and still happy with life like him
He is my inspiration
I'll try hard to reach my limit like you
Lee Hyuk Jae
And this day is his special day
Happy birthday
Even I look Hyunjoong more I think you dance better than Hyunjoong
But Hyunjoong can play guitar hahaha