I’m here! I hope you can appear right away. I hope I can recognize you at once without any doubt. Don’t feel sorry if I can’t recognize you straightaway. While I can tell right away whether or not you’re from our country, it’ll be funny because I’ll have to find out whether or not you’re mine (meaning: whether or not you’re the one I’m looking for). I hope I can find out everything just from the way you talk, just from your expression.
Credits: @miclarge1 + Absolut Shinhwa
When I saw this The first thing which come on my mind is
"Is he really has a hard time now?"
"Is he really feel lonely?"
Unusually for him to said something like this.....
He is the romantic one but it isn't normal for being romantic.
After a hard time I think he want someone he can call his home.
But when he can't found someone like this............ your fans started to worried about his lonelyness.