Our Little Girl kang Ji young is a lady now
Sungje... Her partner is really Cute
I have a new character now.
This boy is always good at singing It's just 2-3 time that i saw him did mistake about control his voice. He always sing naturely and look like all the note he sang easy to hit. Even the high note or ad lib.
But this song : Aka yesung song . This is the first time I see kyuhyun tired to sing. I feel like He can't control the voice well. Maybe he match with a broken heart song like 7 years of love more than the confess song like it has to be you. ^^
But still I love his voice
and now I want to see him sing with this girl
Song Ji Eun from secret ^^
She is the new comer for me
I didn't look you are beautiful
Don't know him much .Just know he is the MC of yearend concert
who make the not good memory for himself.
He just the rook band leader for me
After the first EP. I really feel sorry to him to pair with Seobaby
Seohyun was the weird one for me ^^
I feel like I look at Hwangbo and Hyunjoong again but they change the geder
I fell like it must hard to yonghwa to deal with the strict Seohyun
But to my serprise
He did it very well and they really cute together
With the elementary boy yong.
I start to addict this program again
Too bad I didn't have time like those day.
And this guy is awesome
Take care..... Leadership........Funny........and charming
He look cool in the stage with the sharp eyes
But he look really cute like a boy in WGM
and now I found he really smart in Running Man
Something I like the most in him is
He look like and ordinary guy
the one who witty funny and cute
and din't care about image much
I like it.
Yeah! Kyuhyun ah. it's not just you.......
And I like this moment
I knew how confident you are but Don't play with antis
How can you two lovely and cute like this!
Even I love you two that much.
But She already married kyuhyun ah.
From what I see you really look like
"SM's best unofficial sibling couple"
you really like a boy and girl version of each other.
The fanclub knew it!
The boy from Pusan took her away
But Take Care of her until I think
Aish!!!! Even it's Kyuhyun. He can't did it like yonghwa did
And Even it's Kyuhyun. He can't charming her
like Yonghwa did.....
My Kyuhyun trun to be a support caracter again.
Kyuhyun ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kyuhyun ah!!!!!!
I'm wrong with guesses again
What can I do about my header banner ?????
Ready for you to comeback!!!!!!!!
The first Shinhwa member who come back from Army !!!!
My all is in you
Even though i know that our parting is approaching
Because you’re leaving i hold my breath
When i smile without realizing it, am i passing us by
Even though pretenting to smile without knowing why…
Truthfully I want to cry
You look into my eyes
It seems our Love is ending like this
before i know it our parting is approaching
You say ”Goodbye”
Letting you go like this is still difficult to me,
please give me a little more time
I can’t live without you,
My all is in you
If i say goodbye first,
Then you will expect that i’m letting you go first
Even though in your stare, which has changed since before
there is no longer any love, i’m okay.
Time is slowly passing/ticking by and my mouth runs dry
I’m looking at you anxiously
I’m nervous and pacing
I’m afraid you’re going to say goodbye
It seems our love is endling like this (Even though you say it’s endling like this)
Before i know it our parting is approaching (It’s already unavoidable)
You say ”Goodbye” (You say Goodbye my girl)
Letting you go like this is difficult to me (To me it’s still)
Please give a little more time
Even without me you can smile
Our Love has already run out
Eventually you say your ”goodbye” give me some time
It seems our Love is ending like this (you say it’s ending like this)
Before i know it our parting is approaching (already unavoidable)
You say ”goodbye”
Letting go like this is still difficult to me
Please give me a little more time
Love like this
Before i know it our parting is approaching
You say ”goodbye”
I still can’t let go of the one person,
who means so much to me
I can’t live without you, my all is in you
I can’t live without you, my all is in you
translated by: Kymee♥ @ mylittlesuperdongbang
I look after SuJU because of SMtowns concert for long.
Today I went back to SS501 fancafe and saw something surprise me!!!
It's calendar of Keyeast. When I saw I scream.
It's Jibin's next to Hyunjoong
Their close brother Park Jibin.
Youngsaeng sais in the varity he like to talk with Jibin.
And Jibin close to the other boys too.
They also follow on twitter
This youngest brother is the one jaejoong love.
And youngsaeng is close to jaejoong too.
And we knew Jaejoong and and Hyunjoong are close
They had a trip to canada together once.
I'm happy to see Hyunjoong connection to the same people
I feel like he is still the leader hyunjoong.
The leader in the old world.
(the contract with keyeast still scare me.)
And The 2nd is......
hyungjun called Hwangbo as "Hyejung nuna" on his Twitter
it's special for me that magnae of SSboys called her with real name.
and Hwangbo replay him by called him our youngest brother.
Even it's from their new varity or what ever
I don't care
I just happy that SSboys still playful around
with the same people their close
I feel like hyunjoong still the same kim hyunjoong.
Even it's because of BYJ
who guide hyunjoong to be a acter
But Jibin make me happy because I know hyunjoong will definitely
asked for their opinion about keyeast.
He still go around with the same people.
And the 3rd I'm happy is
I saw this tweet........
Hyunjoongie couldn't do it!!
HAhaha. Kyujong ah I think so too.
even in cyworld he rarely update
Lazy guy.
Ah can't wait for him.
I love the last one
the 2nd pic
feel free to look at each other eyes.
Credit : Seokyu Tumblr.
Ch6. Seoul song After the awkwark
'Why I sang that song for her? Stupid kyu. you really sang it prefectly like you sang on big stage not on the phone pabo. Then what should you do after this?' Kyuhyun told to himself
"Ready" The directer told me.I want to see 'No! How can I face her in person after the embresse moment' but I just say "Yes" and look back to SeoHyun who look at me innocently.
Ch7. Not date just eating
"can you sent Seohyun? His maneger need to do something at his home and he told me to sent seohyun but my girlfriend just called me kyuhyun ah" my maneger told me.
"No why me?" I reject immediately.
"Yah Cho kyuhyun what wrong with you today? You out of your mind and...... fidget!" My maneger shot at me. And the story end with Seohyun sit next to me in my car.
"I'm sorry oppa to distrub you" She said to me
"No. Don't worry I'll send you home Joohyun ah" and the silent cover us again."Ah! why we are like this.I think we'll be close" kyuhyun mumble.
"heeeeee. Because of you oppa" She giggling and smile to me.
"What with that smile?" Kyuhyun look at her start to relax.
"Because you sing the perfact song to me then I can sleep well. thanks oppa" Her smile make the 1000 butterfly in his stomact.
"You like it? I mean you hungry?" Kyuhyun ask look at her
"Oppa hungry?" kyuhyun just noded.
"Then go to eat first oppa" Seohyun smile and turn her face on the road. Then she can't see the small smill from him. But when they arrived the japaness restaurant Seohyun order anything just sit and look at kyuhyun.
Hey! I chose here because you can eat with me." Kyuhyun demand
"Oppa it's 11.00 already that not good" Seohyun answer.
"Then I choose this Sushi restaurant. How can I eat when you just sit look at me" He mumble
"Then can I order salad?" After a few second Seohyun told him.
"Yes sure!" kyuhyun order her salad and they eat together and start to talk the thousand thing together.
Kyuhyun send he SNSD Dorm and head to his dorm. Eunhyuk and Leeteuk look at the maknae who humming the song with smile to the dorm with big eyes.
"Yah! you date Seohyun" Lee teuk ask him directly Kyuhyun freeze look at his leader hyung.
"No hyung!!" Kyuhyun replay quickly.
"Then why you so happy like you just come back from date huh?" Eunhyuk ask with smile.
"Just ate hyung. just ate and I send her home" Kyuhyun pretent like don't care.
"Then why you look nervoeus?" kyuhyun startle look at his hyung.
"No! I'm not" he still with his answer.
"Stupid kid. Just accept it. You like to date her.One day if she has another guy and you still pretend 'i'm not' like this you'll loose her kyuhyun ah. Go coward go to bed" Lee teuk worn Kyuhyu and the maknae just stand still the moment they shared today is precious See her smile talk to her randomly and eating together and Kyuhyun love that moment so much.
"It's not that hyung." Kyuhyun mumbled look after his hyung. The leader didn't know that'll happen as he told.
CH9 my boyfriend is a gamer!
He doesn't stop playing that game. Even we rarely meet when heechul oppa called him to play together he just leaved me and go with him. Annoyed!!! Is this called couple? Teukie oppa take care me nicely than my boyfriend.
"Seohyun ah why are you still here? it's Ryeowook oppa... I still at the SME. because I hope that kyuhyun oppa would comeback here. If I back to my dorm then it's noway to see him.
"Noting oppa I want to play piano" I just play piano when waiting for him. And it's the good reason. My dorm doen't have paino.
"But you can play with your computer? " Ryeowook oppa always smart why I can't remember. and he is the pianiest one. I just look at him with smile.
"It isn't the same oppa. You can't replace the real one with the eletronic" I answer and walk to the piano at the coner of the record room. The room Kyuhyun oppa and I used the most. and start to play. I feel ryeowook oppa stare at me at the back and then I hear he come closer.
"I'll play with you Seohyun ah. You just told me you play this waiting for him." I look at him with surprise.
"oppa how can you know?" I asked him.
"That jerk already announced at the dorm that you belong to him then don't touch you. But we think that jerk just kidding but to my surprise it's real...."
"Just play oppa I want to play what song we can play together?" I cut him off even my face already turn red I still pissed off.