I look after SuJU because of SMtowns concert for long.
Today I went back to SS501 fancafe and saw something surprise me!!!
It's calendar of Keyeast. When I saw I scream.
It's Jibin's next to Hyunjoong
Their close brother Park Jibin.
Jibin is the one who close with SS501 and Jaejoong,
This youngest brother is the one youngsaeng love.
And youngsaeng is close to hyunjoong too.
Youngsaeng sais in the varity he like to talk with Jibin.
And Jibin close to the other boys too.
They also follow on twitter
This youngest brother is the one jaejoong love.
And youngsaeng is close to jaejoong too.
And we knew Jaejoong and and Hyunjoong are close
They had a trip to canada together once.

I'm happy to see Hyunjoong connection to the same people
I feel like he is still the leader hyunjoong.
The leader in the old world.
(the contract with keyeast still scare me.)
And The 2nd is......
hyungjun called Hwangbo as "Hyejung nuna" on his Twitter
it's special for me that magnae of SSboys called her with real name.
and Hwangbo replay him by called him our youngest brother.
Even it's from their new varity or what ever
I don't care
I just happy that SSboys still playful around
with the same people their close
I feel like hyunjoong still the same kim hyunjoong.
Even it's because of BYJ
who guide hyunjoong to be a acter
But Jibin make me happy because I know hyunjoong will definitely
asked for their opinion about keyeast.
He still go around with the same people.
And the 3rd I'm happy is
I saw this tweet........
Hyunjoongie couldn't do it!!
HAhaha. Kyujong ah I think so too.
even in cyworld he rarely update
Lazy guy.
Ah can't wait for him.