happy together friend was a program that I like.
the star should find his friend from elementary school. 5 friend who you nearly forget their face. the friend told the story in their kid age. to hint the star friend.
It hard right?
I think it really hard...................
I think it really hard...................
The first time I saw junjin find his friend. and hyesung find his friend. They find 3 from 5. the friend should be sad if the star can't remember them.
But this guy can find all of them in a few sec.^^
I was serprise. For real I think he can't remember his friends. His image make me think he'll ignore or people around him.
His words on the varity show make me think this way.
He is the boy leader who play around and don't care anything. His friend says he had make a hard time to the girl leader. they like a enemy of each other.
The boy told he forget to give the present back to his friend. and play at game center.
After this he start to find his friends. He said he can't remember his friends. the face not familier
But when the time start count down. he remember his 2 boy friends in a munite. He walk to his friend and joke with them. But he walk part all the boy and go to the girl leader first.
The girl that his friend told he made hard time when they was lead the room together. And he admit it that he did. He chose her the 1st.^^
That too sweet friend. Heenim. ^^
And when MC told should the girl leader love him he look at her straight in her eyes. the girl said He was her friend how can she hate him. she is smart too. this school really great. They can trand people to be smart. hehe

And this friend who make Heenim like this!!!!

He can win all SuJu boys. But His friend make heenim like this.
with the kidergarten story. ^^
Dork with his friend ^^.

Knock down by his friend again.
His relationship really loyal.
He always said he don't care anything anyone but He really care.
It show how he love his member and how he love his friend.
He can remember all them. That mean he pay attention the people around him.
I really like him this side.
My friend told me he had an accident and become a robot because he want to go to Donghae's father funaral.
Now I know why Suju boys no more mad at him
even he had many emotion or easy heat up.