I found the question about How did you know lee teuk .
I answer it at the webboard and I want to post it in my blog too. ^^

How did you first discover our Angel Teukie?
I watch suju perf. many time but I can't remember him. I just hear someone said "we are super junior...." and his kid'll say something after this (At first I can't here what they said it loudly.) But I used to know he is the leader. and my friend told me he was a trainee of SM for long. It first thing I can remember about teukie.
What was your first impression?
"what wrong with him." He can't impress me in the first time. because of many member I always find "who shout " we are super junior...."It always like that.
At first I really think this guy really annoy me. He keep saying this everytime everywhere. full of promot his band. then I completely ignore him. (Don't get me wrong it just start.)My always fev boyband is shinhwa. and in super show I he sang song " Doll". the song that shin hye sung and lee ji hoon 's.I buy the DVD. It the first time I notice Lee teuk from SUJU. and when he cried out in married you.It make my think of him change. It really late right? That time I still don't know why he cried out so hard. (As I told I'm shinhwachangjo.) But My friend who is ELF. told he is our beloved leader the real center of Suju. then I started searching about him with the question "why? this annoy guy is their beloved."
What is your current impression of him? After searching hard. Now I know why his is their beloverd. Why the member love him.why ELF. love him.
After I saw the clip from leeteuk to kyuhyun. And (SUJU)A walk to remember.My thought change. he kind. the real big brother. work hard. and many support to his little brother with out care his image. I think he must tried to control the 12 brothers but he still smile and make a joke around in many program.He can deal with Heenim and Kangin who are very special human(Just my think If you don't like just forget this). and the two guys really love him. Make the talent guy like kibum amd siwon admit his leader position.Take care his brothers feeling. As a SM trainee I think all 12 brothers of him has Ego with the talent they has too. But Teukie leader skill is the best because he can manage all of them. And all the member happy to follow teukie. that is the great side of him. And this side make me like this leader very much. Even I'm not Elf from started I still support the other group. But when I know he get the best leader. I think Oh that right. It's shout be him who can get this. Even I like Hyunjoong. I think Teukie have a hard job more than hyunjoong.
Go teukie.
I just really want to say this.