For Mark Kim again
I just watch 3Sap and I really love it
Mark our athlete boy
Kimmy our princess
I really love this two kids because they always sincere when they answer the question
in mark's case he not good when it's come to lie,anyway
But after all I feel like they happy to stand next to each other
and that made me happy
Kimmy always kind heart to forgive
(I think it because she has many brothers and sisters so it easily to talk and forgive)
Kimmy really know about the words "Noone perfect"
and mark really made many mistake,
Play around like a playboy
He is a definition of work hard and play hard
But Kimmy can understand him well
and Mark, Even he look like a play boy but the good thing is
he always take care of someone who special to him
and he really take care of Kim
Look after her play around her
and protect her, (Uhmm, In his way of course)
All of his soft side was show to kim
all of his thought he share with kim
The best thing I love from each other is they sincere to each other
They didn't fake and play on the other
Keep take care of each other and
Mark didn't know the girls that much
he just play around and ignore the girls's point of view
but kim always claim down and teach him
what the girls want and kim talk straightforwardly
made mark understand what she want easily
Kim is a princess and that really match mark behavior
Mark love to show the protection side
He love to take care
I hope they will be together for real one day
I really hope