I just saw the series. The title is oh my lady.
This story about the super star
who falling in love with the middle age woman who was married once.
She is his housemade. I watch this because the acter is a star. When it's talk about the star lover it's always interasting me because I always think the star is a human too. They can do everything like us. But the star always hide his life behide. And just show their best side.
In this story too. At first the star hide his profile and the woman help him. But when The reporter know. she start to have the hard time because of the news. and the acter tired to protect her.
Choi siwon is a main acter of this story. In real life he is the singer "the center of suju" " Suju ace" he is the important member of this group. and He must be was in this situation like this. I already know in will be like this the acter protect his lover without care anything. But When I saw siwonie act. I feel like this is really his real feeling.
There are the seen that one of reporter interrupe her and the acter can hear their fight from the phone because that time he called her to chack out on her. The acter go to her and take her to his car in front of many reporter and his fans.
I feel like this is what all the stars want to do. all the idols that I know. The boys who always said " I don't have any girlfriend" But I feel like Siwon show me what the stars want to do to protect his girl.
And siwon did superB job for show how the star feel when he want to take care girlfriend.
In the other hand I think If it's real. If Hyunjoong. Youngsaeng. Leeteuk. Donghae. Hyukjae. Heenim. Even real Siwon. Do something like this. As a fan girl can I admitt it?
I don't know. I too scare for me. They'll get worst from somethig.
But if all those guys has one. and keep it in quiet it's the good way.
I can admitt it because of I already mature girl now but the fangirl who still in high school!!!!.
They can't admitt for sure.
Poor stars.
This story about the super star
who falling in love with the middle age woman who was married once.
She is his housemade. I watch this because the acter is a star. When it's talk about the star lover it's always interasting me because I always think the star is a human too. They can do everything like us. But the star always hide his life behide. And just show their best side.
In this story too. At first the star hide his profile and the woman help him. But when The reporter know. she start to have the hard time because of the news. and the acter tired to protect her.
Choi siwon is a main acter of this story. In real life he is the singer "the center of suju" " Suju ace" he is the important member of this group. and He must be was in this situation like this. I already know in will be like this the acter protect his lover without care anything. But When I saw siwonie act. I feel like this is really his real feeling.
There are the seen that one of reporter interrupe her and the acter can hear their fight from the phone because that time he called her to chack out on her. The acter go to her and take her to his car in front of many reporter and his fans.
I feel like this is what all the stars want to do. all the idols that I know. The boys who always said " I don't have any girlfriend" But I feel like Siwon show me what the stars want to do to protect his girl.
And siwon did superB job for show how the star feel when he want to take care girlfriend.
In the other hand I think If it's real. If Hyunjoong. Youngsaeng. Leeteuk. Donghae. Hyukjae. Heenim. Even real Siwon. Do something like this. As a fan girl can I admitt it?
I don't know. I too scare for me. They'll get worst from somethig.
But if all those guys has one. and keep it in quiet it's the good way.
I can admitt it because of I already mature girl now but the fangirl who still in high school!!!!.
They can't admitt for sure.
Poor stars.