One is the leader of ss501 who always introduce himself as the "leader"
One is the lead vocal of ss501 who always introduce himself as the "shy prince"
But why my shy prince threaten his leader like this --"
I was a bit serprise when I saw this pic.
Always thinks youngsaeng allow hyunjoong all thing hyunjoong want.
Hyunjoong is really have leader skill.
Decide and strong
(maybe just his look hehe)
And youngsaeng he always keeeeeep quiet
Let hyunjoong do what hyunjoong want.......
But in the first persona concert
This promote pic
Youngsaeng look at Hyunjoong
And hyunjoong step back
Uhmmmmm Maybe I was wrong with their position
Hyunjoong isn't just a leader but he is youngsaeng friend....
Why my shy prince did this to the leader
Youngsaeng ah hyunjoong look scare