I really need her.
Need her cheerful smile when I so weak. Need to hear her laugh when I'm tried from works.
As a singer I need to care about my image not just my image but our group image.
"Hello teukie oppa!" She come again with her cheerful smile.
"Hi...." I greet her with smile on my face too. We support to meet each other every week 3 month untill now. I'm also eyes on her until now.
At first I didn't look at her but I want to know who is the new members on her group. and I found her. In the weird black rabbit costom. it's so weird. And when I know her age I really surprise why they give her that dress!!
after that I always looking at her group. The girls who can't win in the first like us. the girls who tried extra hard like us.The girl who don't have the best support like us. But even I'm really tired I support to smile. And this girls group too. Smile like noting.
We close each other a bit when her group start famous. We meet each other around but we didn't close. Many girls pretty than her is all around me too. One day We record the varity and I have a change to see her closely. Her personality was so cute. I really surprise when I knew her real age. Too far from me. Then I stop thinking all thing in my mind.
"She is too young to learn." And I stop my change to go nearly her after that. How can I face her appa when I do something wrong to her. Even I knew how much we are differance. My world is dirty than her world. My past is darker than her's.
"Oppa! what wrong?" She look at me with innocent eyes.
"Notting" I reply. Now I'm at radio support to introduce the guest and runing this program.
"Today topic is what if you love someone you can't. Yahhh. This topic suit us well" Eunhyuk random talk when I deep thinking. I really want to answer this question.
"What about you leeteuk ssi." Eunhyuk look at me. I keep quiet.
"Yahhh. seem you are the one in this case hyung!!" I smile want to reply my brother but she stop me.
"We can't have love oppa! We are the star.Not this time"
"WHy Why. We are human too" eunhyuk look at her.
"Is you don't have someone you love?" I ask her looking in her eyes.
"Not that oppa. But we chose this way ourself. and We need to admit it too.It's no way to go for us. " She said with her cute voice like a baby. But it's still run to my heart. "As her words I need to admit I can't have her too." I'm keep thinking.
"But what if... What if I like this person so much." I know my little brother Eunhyuk can see me now.He need to help me.
"We should give up for this love. it's not our time. Or keep it in secret." She still answer with her cute voice.
"Ahhh. It's sad.The person you can't love." Eunhyuk keep going.
The death air is all around. I rise my voice for the first time.
"Yahhhh. What about you Eunhyuk shii" I ask with my smile.....To the moniter......
"For me. I'll keep in secret and Even I love her much I'll tell her to admit me as I'm now." A firmly words from Eunhyuk make me smile. He didn't say for himself look like he said in for me.
"How about Leeteuk ssi" Her member ask me. I force smile to her.
"Uhmmmm. I'll keep in my heart.Because I can't love. Then keep it in my heart" I told out again death air. I silently look at her. Seem like she thinking.
"Ahhh. It's hurt let read the comment" Eunhyuk random read comment. And pump up the mood before introduce the song.I start help him to introduce the song but my eyes silent look at her. She look down and suddenly look at me with the beautiful smile. The song already play.
"What" I ask her.
"Noting oppa. Just smile" She told me.
I need to tell her 'how can I smile' and 'I even want to have you by my side,can I?' But noting out from me. this words'll kill all of us later.
"How can you smile all the time like this jiyoung ah?" I ask her when I see eunhyuk random talk with Gyuri her leader member. She didn't answer but look down. The song end We don't have any conversation. I back to normal control this radio. suddenly something fall down on my feet.
It's a paper. Little letter.
I keep it on my hand and sent it to my pocket.
Something from her.
I go to my car. get in and stay still a few minute before put somrthing out from my pocket.
I think my heart beating fast. Want to know what words she want to told me.
I open the letter.
"Our Teukie Oppa...."
Why your face like this? We support to meet like this once in a week.
I'm happy to sit beside you. but your face make me disappointment oppa.
Smile alot and have fun when I'm around can you?
I'm happy to do this program don't make me down like this.
The next week I'll sit beside you again. Give your smile for me!!!
Take care teukie oppa.^^
Your jiyoung
"Kid.. You never know what you just did for me. Make me happy with your words and put a sorrow for my heart. I love when you sit beside me too. Even I can't have you I still love this time I'll give you cheerful smile." Lee teuk let out his breath.
"Your Jiyoung? You just called yourself is mine?" He smile to himself.
"what can I do for you. My little princess I want you by my side even I can't have you" He look down feel lonely now.
"I'll looking for you even you don't know me anymore." Suddenly his handphone ring. He got a text.
oppa! It's me jiyoung. Eunhyuk oppa told me you heartbroken. Don't be sad you still have me. I'll accompany you be happy. Good night oppa
Leeteuk just smile and before text back.
"I'm okey now. Thanks. I love when you sit next by myside too.
Sweetdream my little princess."
Leeteuk smile '2 years jiyoung ah.I'll give you just 2 years to learn.Now All I can do is just look at you carefully. even you say we can't have love because of our career but what if I love you in silent like this........ For me it's okay to see you smile' he think before start the engine and go home.........
Need her cheerful smile when I so weak. Need to hear her laugh when I'm tried from works.
As a singer I need to care about my image not just my image but our group image.
"Hello teukie oppa!" She come again with her cheerful smile.
"Hi...." I greet her with smile on my face too. We support to meet each other every week 3 month untill now. I'm also eyes on her until now.
At first I didn't look at her but I want to know who is the new members on her group. and I found her. In the weird black rabbit costom. it's so weird. And when I know her age I really surprise why they give her that dress!!
after that I always looking at her group. The girls who can't win in the first like us. the girls who tried extra hard like us.The girl who don't have the best support like us. But even I'm really tired I support to smile. And this girls group too. Smile like noting.
We close each other a bit when her group start famous. We meet each other around but we didn't close. Many girls pretty than her is all around me too. One day We record the varity and I have a change to see her closely. Her personality was so cute. I really surprise when I knew her real age. Too far from me. Then I stop thinking all thing in my mind.
"She is too young to learn." And I stop my change to go nearly her after that. How can I face her appa when I do something wrong to her. Even I knew how much we are differance. My world is dirty than her world. My past is darker than her's.
"Oppa! what wrong?" She look at me with innocent eyes.
"Notting" I reply. Now I'm at radio support to introduce the guest and runing this program.
"Today topic is what if you love someone you can't. Yahhh. This topic suit us well" Eunhyuk random talk when I deep thinking. I really want to answer this question.
"What about you leeteuk ssi." Eunhyuk look at me. I keep quiet.
"Yahhh. seem you are the one in this case hyung!!" I smile want to reply my brother but she stop me.
"We can't have love oppa! We are the star.Not this time"
"WHy Why. We are human too" eunhyuk look at her.
"Is you don't have someone you love?" I ask her looking in her eyes.
"Not that oppa. But we chose this way ourself. and We need to admit it too.It's no way to go for us. " She said with her cute voice like a baby. But it's still run to my heart. "As her words I need to admit I can't have her too." I'm keep thinking.
"But what if... What if I like this person so much." I know my little brother Eunhyuk can see me now.He need to help me.
"We should give up for this love. it's not our time. Or keep it in secret." She still answer with her cute voice.
"Ahhh. It's sad.The person you can't love." Eunhyuk keep going.
The death air is all around. I rise my voice for the first time.
"Yahhhh. What about you Eunhyuk shii" I ask with my smile.....To the moniter......
"For me. I'll keep in secret and Even I love her much I'll tell her to admit me as I'm now." A firmly words from Eunhyuk make me smile. He didn't say for himself look like he said in for me.
"How about Leeteuk ssi" Her member ask me. I force smile to her.
"Uhmmmm. I'll keep in my heart.Because I can't love. Then keep it in my heart" I told out again death air. I silently look at her. Seem like she thinking.
"Ahhh. It's hurt let read the comment" Eunhyuk random read comment. And pump up the mood before introduce the song.I start help him to introduce the song but my eyes silent look at her. She look down and suddenly look at me with the beautiful smile. The song already play.
"What" I ask her.
"Noting oppa. Just smile" She told me.
I need to tell her 'how can I smile' and 'I even want to have you by my side,can I?' But noting out from me. this words'll kill all of us later.
"How can you smile all the time like this jiyoung ah?" I ask her when I see eunhyuk random talk with Gyuri her leader member. She didn't answer but look down. The song end We don't have any conversation. I back to normal control this radio. suddenly something fall down on my feet.
It's a paper. Little letter.
I keep it on my hand and sent it to my pocket.
Something from her.
I go to my car. get in and stay still a few minute before put somrthing out from my pocket.
I think my heart beating fast. Want to know what words she want to told me.
I open the letter.
"Our Teukie Oppa...."
Why your face like this? We support to meet like this once in a week.
I'm happy to sit beside you. but your face make me disappointment oppa.
Smile alot and have fun when I'm around can you?
I'm happy to do this program don't make me down like this.
The next week I'll sit beside you again. Give your smile for me!!!
Take care teukie oppa.^^
Your jiyoung
"Kid.. You never know what you just did for me. Make me happy with your words and put a sorrow for my heart. I love when you sit beside me too. Even I can't have you I still love this time I'll give you cheerful smile." Lee teuk let out his breath.
"Your Jiyoung? You just called yourself is mine?" He smile to himself.
"what can I do for you. My little princess I want you by my side even I can't have you" He look down feel lonely now.
"I'll looking for you even you don't know me anymore." Suddenly his handphone ring. He got a text.
oppa! It's me jiyoung. Eunhyuk oppa told me you heartbroken. Don't be sad you still have me. I'll accompany you be happy. Good night oppa
Leeteuk just smile and before text back.
"I'm okey now. Thanks. I love when you sit next by myside too.
Sweetdream my little princess."
Leeteuk smile '2 years jiyoung ah.I'll give you just 2 years to learn.Now All I can do is just look at you carefully. even you say we can't have love because of our career but what if I love you in silent like this........ For me it's okay to see you smile' he think before start the engine and go home.........
He didn't know the girl who gave his text smile alot before repeat her eyes on the words again and again.And find what thing make she smile like this.