This is the best song of my year!!!!!!!!!
This is SuperB............
the words..... the music..... and his narrative........
We’ve know each others for 7 years
No one can even think that saying goodbye is so easy
But we did break upIn my mind,
there’s the memory about our arguments..
I don’t know if we meet each others when we were too young
Because we can’t stop from changing
People say that it’s really hurt when saying goodbye
But we even can’t feel this pain
We must relieve our mind : “That’s the way thing turns to be”
I just cry and ignore time is passing by
I regret and miss you
I look at myself
First, we’re just friends
Then we’re lovers
So true that it’s hard to keep the friendship after we broke up
Since then, in almost 3 years, we just sometimes contact
Although I’ve had a new loveI
still called you every time I sad and cry silently
Telling you : “You should also try to find a good person”
But truly inside my heart, I don’t want this happen
And telling myself that “Maybe she still loves me?”
I know these days we were both still young
We won’t never have this love once again
That just remains as memory
In some moments,
I can feel your coldnessI know that there’s nothing I can do
I heard that you’re going to get married
I’m dead in some seconds
I cried because
I really want to hear you say one last sentence: “I love you”
Vietnamese translator:
Translate from Vietnamese into English: pinkie_gemmy@soompi forums
Take out with full credits!