some told that is his friend. some told his date.
I think they may in their date....... (In my opinion and at my age make I think this way. Sorry for hyunjoong hard fan or the young girls.)
The media showed the pic of them with 2 girls that I'm sure she is beautiful. Because of her body and her confident in front of the two guy.The Idols of korea. And the importent thing He open the cab door for her that why I'm think they date with the beautiful girls.
For me at his age it normal, they are super star. hot. handsome. talent. good body. rich. Why they can't date at their age. Or even more why he can't have the girl beside his on his bed. He is on vacation the little time they have after work hard 1 year. With the girl on the foreign country.
I'm okay with that. He can have the normal life too. Can date, can eat , can love or have fun at his age. He not to get marry tomorrow or in this year why he can't date or have fun with his life.He is a human too.
some joongboer told that hurt. Because it on hwangbo birthday. Belong to joongboer. I don't think he can remember her b-day. Even more I'm not sure hyunjoong can remember all of member b-day.
It bad right that I said that. Sometime I think I'm sure he can remember what day is his member's birthday but I'm not sure He can remember today is what day. He never have the rest day in his week. Work all 7 day. How can he remember all thing. The manager do all thing for him.I think he just follow all thing the manager told.
Even Hwangbo birthday is important for him. I'm sure he can remember many thing that he did the last year. It the special time for him to joined too.But how can he do this year if he can remember. All thing he can in my opinion is just send a text to her like last year that he did from japan by himself. He can't go to congrat her. He can't go to party with her all thing he do that will make hardtime for her again. and again.
I think Hyunjoong knew this as well.
Mention to her will put the space between her and him. All people look at them even they never see each other. WE sure he happy to be with her. Or they happy to be Ssangchoo couple. But how can he or she leave the carreer behide start to live like a two love birds. We already saw hyunjoong cried when he got the award. I saw it 3 time after debute. And how can hwangbo trow the 10 year of her work away or distory his career that he tried hard to make it.
To be a star is harder than ordinary people right?
They will have his own way too. We just happy and support them no matter what they are.
I'm happy that they also inspriation each other. No matter what they are together or not this two star teach and learn from each other as well.
and something with youngsaeng.
I already knew he is smoking. No, that two boys smoking. Because? Because Hwangbo always open the window when she went in that two boys room and never did the same way in kyu and baby room. That is the way to clear the smell from smoke. And I saw the lighter of hyunjoong. in his dorm (On his desk the red simple lighter in WGM when hwangbo clean his room.)
I already saw hyunjoong smoking's pic but not from YS. That make me think maybe YS too. Because he can live with HJ who smoking. then the news not surprise me. But funny that YS tried to hide but fall in this case.
Youngsaeng ahhh it because of hyunjoong. Your friend didn't hide himself on the street and he let the jacket down too. ^^.
I don't care he(they) smoke or not. It's his life. He can take care his life by himself. People should know the limit of them and can choose to live by themself. Even he still do great thing on stage and still think like he is now.I can admit all thing he is.
His talent and his think is still the same no matter what he is.
Always support you youngsaengie.