Envy her again^^.
This girl is really lucky. maybe because of her kind and her personality make people satisfied to work with. I envy that she is a good friend of junjin for 10 years. The girl who junjin pick up her call no matter what time is. I envy that she work with and can inspiration hyunjoong about work , life ,volunteer and bring his smile and enjoy back to him after his hard time.
Now I envy her again because I see how comfortable Chansung have when play a game with her. the way he take good care of her when play a games. Chansung is a mangnae of his group. But he look manner when he stand together with hwangbo.
Look like she satisfied to work and play around with mangnae more than leader. She never talk to Jaebum too.^^
they play the game that Chansung carried Hwangbo and go under the high less than 100. How can a bigboy did it. He very tall.But He can did it at 90 CM.
She always support her partner to look good on scence. The pic hwangbo and chansung together in the show remind me of hyunjoong and her again
Want to see them together again. With comfortable look like in WGM.
I really miss them.