This girl is Sistar's Soyu. The girl who come from JeJu Island.
She not better than Hyorin and Bora but She come 1st place in my head.
She carefree and look like easy going. She not just acting beauty
and she can talk nature in front of the guy
not that much flirt like some other girl.
She just Show them if see like them and not over act.
So I'm started to like her.
After I interest in this girls. I found out she is just a fangirl too.
The fan girl of Lee Hyuk jae of Super junior. ^^
Don't think I made it up.
It's true.
In Super junior Foresight. When they talk about fall down on stage topic.
Everyone can't remember when hyukjae fall down but she told
Hyukjae fall from the chair once at the radio station.
Even it isn't fall down on stage but how can she remember.
I who be hyukjae fangirl didn't even thought that.She really fast to answer.
When Teukie told Hyukjae to dance with all of them soyu really shy when dance with hyukjae
and quickly walk to her seat.
I notice how soyu being hyukjae's fan girl that time and tonight I found another one of her fan girl side. ^^
Leeteuk said that Soyu SISTAR is listening radio now, she sent (me) a message that saying ‘Eunhyuk oppa voice is so cool~’ Hyuk said ‘Soyu’ ; Leeteuk ‘Yeah, Soyu Sistar’ and Hyuk replied .. ‘Soyu-shi thank you (for already said my voice good xD) I will come to ur waiting room ans will just singing for you’ OTL TUT
Credit to sup3rjunior.com
I admitted Hyukjae's voice is a bit deep and had a soft tone.
(Except when he playfully yell to his friend ofcouse)
Hyukjae repley he will sing to her.
Hyukjae repley he will sing to her.
Uhmmmm. I'm no comment for his replay.
Anyway Hyukjae goy the girl group to be his fan girl again.
Whaoooo. We can't look down on this guy. ^^
Anyway Hyukjae goy the girl group to be his fan girl again.
Whaoooo. We can't look down on this guy. ^^
and the other thing I found from sup3rjunior.com is
the sweet innocent guys acting cute togerther
Just like the other day of Hyukjae and Kyuhyun
Hyukjae on Teukie's and Kyu take over hyukjae's
and they started exciting on something
End with they giggle while Kyu cover his eyes .....
That way......
Kyuhyun ah you already cover your face but why I still can see your playful eyes?
Is you really want to cover it?
My fav maknae being naughty boy as always .